7월 금융 ​세미나: 돈 세탁방지/금융사기규정, 사이버 보안, ​CDD 및 Vendor Risk Management 가이드라인 KOCHAM July 12, 2017

7월 금융 ​세미나: 돈 세탁방지/금융사기규정, 사이버 보안, ​CDD 및 Vendor Risk Management 가이드라인


자금세탁 방지를 위한 국제기준 강화로 미국의 관련 제재도 엄격해지고 있습니다. 미국 감독당국은 미국 소재 해외 금융기관들이 제재대상국 기업과 거래했다는 사유와 의심 거래 미보고 등으로 엄청난 벌금을 부과했습니다. 또한 미국 감독당국은 점증하는 사이버테러 위협으로부터 금융회사의 IT시스템과 고객정보 보호를 위해 정보보안(cyber security) 감독을 강화하고 있어 뉴욕 주 금융당국(NYS DFS)은 정보보안 관련규정(23 NYCRR 500)을 올해 9월부터 단계적으로 적용하게 됩니다.이에 대한 가이드라인을 제공하기 위해 한국계 금융기관을 직접 감독하는 NY FRB의 감독관을 특별 초청했습니다.

추가로 이날 대형 로펌과 관련 금융 컨설팅사 전문가들을 초청, The Bank Secrecy Act 관련하여 은행 등 금융 기관들의 Compliance의 핵심 부문인 CDD​(The FinCEN ​Customer Due Diligence)를 비롯해 외부 업체와 용역 계약을 체결해 서비스를 받을 때 Vendor의 재무 및 운영 리스크를 분석하고 적절한 관리가 이뤄지도록 규정한 Vendor Risk Management의 가이드라인도 설명하게 됩니다. ​많은 참석 바라겠습니다.



Wednesday, July 26th 9:00am – 11:30am



맨해튼 한국센터 4층 컨퍼런스룸(460 Park Ave. 4th Fl. New York, NY 10022)

지도 바로가기


09:00AM – 10:20AM

Subtopics 1(​Presentations from Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

​- ​BSA AML(The Bank Secrecy Act/Anti Money Laundering Rules) Compliance

– ​Cyber security in foreign organizations.The speakers at NY FRB will, in foreign ​financial​ organization, discuss the supervisory program for these areas, common issues found during examinations, and indications of effective risk management programs in the supervision.

Speakers 1

Mr. ​David Fenton

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, A Supervisory Team Manager of Foreign Banking Organizations of Supervision Group

Mr. ​Bhavin Patel

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, A Supervisory Manager of Foreign Banking Organizations of Supervision Group


10:30AM – 11:30AM

Subtopics 2

– CDD (The FinCEN Customer Due Diligence)​: 금융기관들의 Compliance의 핵심 부문이며 고객(회사 포함) 확인에 대한 기본적인 절차 및 필요서류에 대해 규정하고 있으며 AML의 주요 내용 중 하나입니다. 이 규정은 customer on-boarding, transaction monitoring, risk-assessment 등 Multiple systems에 적용되며 관련 금융기관들은 2018년 5월 11일까지 이 규정을 준수해야 합니다.

– Vendor Risk Management: 금융기관이 외주 업체와 용역 계약을 체결하여 서비스를 받을 경우 연간 단위로 Vendor(서비스 또는 용역 제공자)의 재무 및 각종 운영 리스크를 분석하여  적절한 관리가 이루어 질 수 있는 체계를 마련하라는 취지입니다. 이요건은 IT와 판매, 마케팅 ​등 모든 서비스 분야에 적용되며 이에 대한 가이드라인을 설명하게 됩니다.

Speakers 2

Ms. Sarah Aberg 

Member of the Government Contracts, Investigations & International Trade Practice Group in Sheppard Mullin’s New York office.  Her practice encompasses financial regulation, compliance, and litigation as well as internal investigations and white collar defense. She frequently represents banks, broker-dealers and associated individuals who are the focus of FRB, Department of Justice, SEC, FINRA and other regulatory investigations.

Mr. George Kunkel

(Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist) Managing Director in Crowe Horwath’s regulatory compliance risk consulting services group. He is a seasoned AML professional with a strong track record of advising financial institutions on strategies to manage complex regulatory requirements with a focus on assisting large, multifaceted organizations in the design and implementation of enhanced regulatory compliance programs.


온라인 참가신청 (여기를 클릭하세요)

또는 첨부된 참가신청서 작성 후 이메일 office@kocham.org 또는 팩스 212.644.9106로 회신

*등록마감: 7월 24일(월) ​



Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the USA, Inc.

| 460 Park Ave. Suite 410 New York, NY 10022

| 212.644.0140 민경용(ext.501), 김소영(ext.505)

| office@kocham.org


Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

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